I am a Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, India. I was a research fellow in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at National University of Singapore, Singapore in 2010. I received a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India in 2009. I am the principal investigator of Power Systems and Smart Grid lab at IIT Gandhinagar. We execute the industry relevant national/international collaborative research and consultancy projects to develop a strong industry-academic research program for supporting the successful transition to a promising environmentally sustainable energy ecosystem that involves (1) optimal utilization of distributed clean energy resources (2) developing smart grid technologies and (3) promoting energy efficiency at MSMEs industries and electricity distribution systems. I am the co-author/author of 90+ research papers (list of publications) in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences, and 6 book chapters.
Research Interests
Electricity market and Smart grid
Renewable energy grid integration, Grid optimization and Forecasting
Demand side energy management – Peer-to-peer (P2P) energy sharing and Demand response (DR)
News & Updates
- Many congratulations to Sachin Suthar and Abhishek Tiwari for successfully completing their PhD thesis defense !!!
- Many congratulations to Abhishek Tiwari (PhD) and Devangi (MTech) for being awarded the prestigious GRID-INDIA Power Systems Awards (GIPSA) 2024-25 Award !!!
- Bishal Kumar Sah Teli (MTech student) received the Best Paper Award for his paper titled “Cost-benefit analysis of solar PV powered EV charging station: A case study in Nepal” presented in 2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), July 31-Aug 3, 2024, Hydrabad, India.
I received the Excellence in Outreach Activities Award 2023, at IIT Gandhinagar for the academic year 2022-23.
Awards/ Special Recognitions
- Abhishek Tiwari (PhD) and Devangi (MTech), students of my research group won the prestigious GRID-INDIA Power Systems Awards (GIPSA) 2024-25.
- Received the Excellence in Outreach Activities Award at IIT Gandhinagar for the academic year 2022-23.
- India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF) Innovation Awards 2023 – Platinum award for the award category “Smart Technology – Electricity Distribution”.
- Three MTech graduates in Electrical Engineering and worked under my supervision (graduated in 2023, 2021 and 2020) won the GRID-INDIA Power System Awards (GIPSA), formerly known as the POSOCO Power System Awards (PPSA), in the Master thesis category
- IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Gujarat chapter Outstanding Engineer award (2017) to recognize the research contribution in power systems and smart distribution grid.
- Received the Faculty Excellence in Institution Building Award at IIT Gandhinagar for the academic year 2015-2016.
- PhD, Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.
- ME, Electrical Engineering, M.S. University of Baroda, Gujarat.
- BE, Electrical Engineering, L D College of Engineering, Gujarat University, Gujarat.
Professional Experience
Professor (Nov 2024– Till date), Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
Associate Professor (April 2018– Nov 2024), Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
Assistant Professor (Nov. 2010 – April 2018), Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
Research Fellow (Jan. 2010 – Nov. 2010), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Sr. Project Engineer (Oct. 2009 – Dec. 2009), Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Professional Affiliations & Services
- Independent Director, Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Ltd (GSECL), GUVNL, Vadodara.
- Member, Research Advisory committee, Electrical Research and Development Association (ERDA), Vadodara
- Associate Editor, IET Smart Grid
- Senior member of the IEEE and member of IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) and IEEE Industrial Application Society (IAS)
- Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India)
- Fellow of The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE)
Power System and Smart Grid Lab @ IITGN
Power Systems and Smart Grid lab at IIT Gandhinagar focuses the research in smart distribution grids/microgrids and integration of distributed generations and energy management. Our research activities are supported through national/international research collaborations with academic institutions and industrial organizations. The key research findings offer:
1) energy management framework for renewable energy and battery storage integration and
2) technological tool for the peer-to-peer energy trading and aggregator level demand response participation. This contribution greatly leverages the benefits towards better distribution network efficiency, resiliency and reduced carbon footprint in energy sector.

collaborating organisations

Research Funding Agencies