Power System and Smart Grid Lab @ IITGN
I lead the Power Systems and Smart Grid Lab in which we focus on active distribution grid management and flexible electricity market including demand side management through digitalization – for the successful transition to a low-carbon sustainable energy ecosystem. Our specific expertise is in developing the hardware-software toolkits for demand side energy management – for distributed renewable energy and battery storage integration, and peer-to-peer energy trading and demand response participation by energy consumers. Our research benefits for better distribution network efficiency, resiliency and reduced carbon footprint in power and energy system. The broad picture of lab’s research is depicted in the figure and is on the following lines-
Electricity market, smart distribution grid/microgrids, Cyber-physical power system security
Smart distribution grid and Renewable energy integration
Demand side energy management – Peer-to-peer energy sharing and Demand response program

onging research activities
Central power research institute (cpri) Funded Project
CyberDiSS: Cyber-Attack Analysis Toolkit for Cyber-Physical Distribution System Security (2022-2023)
- To develop the cyber-physical emulation for distribution system (CyberDiSS)
- To build the Cyber-attack Analysis Toolkit (CAT) – a software platform and intrusion detection system (IDS) for securing the distribution system from potential cyber threats and attacks

Cyber Physical Power System
KOTAK IITM SAVE ENERGY MISSION (KISEM) – IIT Gandhinagar Collaborative Project
The objective of this collaborative project is to support MSMEs by conducting detailed energy assessment studies to enhance their overall energy efficiency and reduce carbon footprints. The Energy Assessment and Sustainability study work, being performed by the project team, has the objective to identify, evaluate, and recommend through analyses of industrial plant operations – opportunities to conserve energy, minimize waste, and reduce the overall cost of operations. The recommendations are based upon observations made and measurements taken at the plant during the assessment and considering all the details furnished by the customer.

Highlights of completed Research Projects
Indo-German Science and Technology Center (IGSTC) Project
- We developed the innovative hardware and software tools for efficient operation of water and electricity infrastructure via in-house developed energy optimizer while utilizing the onsite clean energy resources – Solar PV and Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), in smart sustainable cities testbed.
- Developed and tested the Solar PV generation and Load forecasting, Aeration blower speed control and Energy optimization tool at water and electricity infrastructure at GIFT City, Gandhinagar testbed
- 4DIAC and iEMS development and integration at WTP, STP and streetlight at GIFT city testbed
- Seven usecases implemented at the project pilot site
- TRL Achievement (proof of concept to large scale demonstration)
- We developed the innovative hardware and software tools for efficient operation of water and electricity infrastructure via in-house developed energy optimizer while utilizing the onsite clean energy resources – Solar PV and Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), in smart sustainable cities testbed.
DST – Mission Innovation: Smart Grids Project
We developed proof of concept (PoC) and test rig at IIT Gandhinagar to demonstrate the real-world application of demand side energy management programs – Peer-to-Peer (P2P) energy sharing & further pilot project demonstration at electricity distribution company.
We developed SMART AGENT: A Universal IoT-based Smart Energy Management Device – enables electricity consumers to participate in wide range of demand-side management programs – P2P energy trading, DR, etc. The Smart Agent monitors and optimizes energy usage for all flexible energy assets, making it a great fit for managing energy demands, including P2P energy trading and Demand Response programs.

Our technological innovation SMART AGENT received India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF) Innovation Awards 2023 ~ Platinum Award in the ‘Smart Technology – Electricity Distribution’ category
Develop key strategies, novel algorithms and models – to define interactions of smart technologies, DERs and digital networks
- A research program on data-driven software technology (big data analytics and real-time intelligence) platforms for intelligent energy management
- Internal and outreaching exchange and dissemination of skill sets and knowledge

- IIT Gandhinagar
- MMMUT Gorakhpur
- The University of Edinburgh, UK
- Queen’s University Belfast, UK
DST-SERB Project
Smart Integrated Campus Energy Monitoring and Management System (2017-2020)
- Energy monitoring, Data Analysis and Optimal DR strategies
- Optimization and machine learning approaches for energy management
- Promoting efficient energy utilization in the campus
Solar PV Generation@IITGN – Portal
Received Newton-Bhabha grant to organize the India UK Advanced Training School (IUATS) on “Optimal design and control of Smart community: New ideas for off-grid communities” at IIT Gandhinagar during 7-17 November, 2016. This high-quality event was a part of the British Council programme, in partnership with the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) funded under Newton-Bhabha fund.

Awarded the prestigious Building Energy Efficiency Higher & Advanced Network (BHAVAN) Fellowship by India-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) in 2016.
PS&SG Lab (Power SystemS and Smart Grid lab)
PS&SG laboratory is equipped with a fully digital real-time power engineering simulation platform consists of Opal-RT (OP4508 F11-3+1) real-time digital simulator – OP5600 and customized hardware and firmware for Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) and Rapid control prototype (RCP) simulation studies. This lab also equipped with power systems simulation packages –DIgSILENT Power Factory, CYMDIST, NetSim, and GAMS optimization tool.

Hardware/Firmware facilities
Real-time Digital Simulator (OPAL-RT)
It is fully digital real-time power engineering simulation platform consists of OPAL-RT (OP4508 F11-3+1) real-time digital simulator. It Supports real time applications like Rapid Control Prototyping, Hardware-in-loop and Pure simulation with hard disk memory of 500Gb. OPAL-RT solvers are fully integrated with MATLAB/SIMULINK. It runs on a networked PC configuration consisting of command station, Target Nodes, Communication Links (real time and ethernet) and advanced FGPA (Field Gate Programmable Gate Array) I/O Boards.
Some applications areas of OPAL-RT are:
- Smart distribution grid/Microgrids
- Protection Systems
- Battery Management Systems
- Hybrid and Electrical Transportation
- Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC)
- Wide Area Monitoring Protection and Control
Customized modular Hardware and Firmware (LABVOLT)
LABVOLT is a training system fully consisting of modular blocks and by combining different blocks we can build a wide variety of controllable real time emulated systems.
LABVOLT modules serve following application areas:
- DC and AC Power Circuits
- Lead-Acid Battery
- Basic Renewable Energy
- Home Energy Production
- Electromechanical Systems
- Smart Grid Technologies
- Power Transmission
Simulation Software
CYMDIST Distribution Analysis software (5 users)
CYMDIST is powerful distribution network analysis tool having the feature of performing the load flow analysis of balanced, unbalanced, single phase, three-phase, mesh type or radial type network very effectively and efficiently.
PS&SG lab uses the software to analyse the IITGN distribution network which has highly unbalanced and seasonally varying load pattern with a 500KW solar power plant
DIgSILENT Power factory
DIgSILENT PowerFactory Software (Research and Education version) used for power system analysis applications – distribution system operational planning, load flow analysis, DER integration and impact assessment studies, etc
GAMS Software
General Algebraic Modelling System (GAMS) is used to solve the linear, non-linear and mix-integer optimization problems.
OpenDSS (Open source)
OpenDSS is a multipurpose distribution analysis tool to support all distribution planning aspects of distributed generation. The distribution system is analysed in frequency domain for power flow, harmonic analysis and distribution dynamic analysis.
In PS&SG Lab, OpenDSS is used to study the behaviour of the IITGN distributed network which has a 500KW solar power injection. It is also used to perform time series analysis of the network subjected to the seasonally varying load pattern.
MATLAB/Simulink (Institute licence)
MATLAB is a multi-disciplinary numerical computing software and simulation environment. It serves as a solution platform for several Power system applications such as:
- Modelling of electrical circuits and networks
- Modelling of wind energy systems, battery energy storage system etc.
- Design and control of power electronic converters
- Microgrid applications
- Wind generation, solar generation and electricity price forecasting
PSCAD is computer-aided design software used to model and simulate electrical power systems. This software has huge applications in short circuit analysis, modelling of electrical substations, HVDC systems and power system protection algorithms.